Evropska banka za obnovu i razvoj zahvalila se putem Tvitera tvitera predsedniku Srbije Aleksandru Vučiću na rođendanskim čestitkama i lepim željama.
Thank you @avucic for your birthday greetings! Serbia and @EBRD have achieved so much together already. And there is much more we can do in the years ahead. €6.6 billion invested to date and more on the way.....
Hvala @avucic na rođendanskim čestitkama! Srbija i EBRD već su postigli toliko toga zajedno. I još mnogo toga možemo učiniti u godinama koje dolaze. Do danas uloženo 6,6 milijardi evra, a i još će .....
Thank you @avucic for your birthday greetings!
— The EBRD (@EBRD) 15. април 2021.
Serbia and @EBRD have achieved so much together already. And there is much more we can do in the years ahead.
€6.6 billion invested to date and more on the way.....#EBRD30 pic.twitter.com/WdmO3CvW7Z